Dedication in Youth Life:

Dedication in Youth Life:
There is a huge difference between the fantasy world and reality. It is not easy to turn the fantasy world into reality. However, it is not impossible. In a small town, there were 2 boys named Rahul and Rohan. Rohan was good in studies and Rahul was good at sports. As days passed by, Rohan moved further to do his studies in abroad as he was good in studies where as Rahul remained in his home town. Rahul was dedicated towards his country and He wanted to contribute something to his mother land. Rohan got a good job in abroad and he his well settled. As Rahul was good in sports, he got a government job and He was well settled in his home town. Here the difference between Rahul and Rohan is: Rahul is well settled in his home town whereas Rohan is well settled in abroad. After some years ago, Rohan had lost his job and came back to his home town. But, Rahul remained the same. Similarly, As a youth we should not only be dedicated toward the work as Rohan did. Rohan thought about himself and later he lost his job. But Rahul was dedicated his whole life towards his mother land and so he wanted to work in his own home town. Every young person should follow the foot steps of Rahul. He is the inspiration and also a sign of motivation to all the youths of our country. We can change the country from our little contribution. We should also see the other challenges where our society is lagging behind. You and I can do it only when we work on it. Young people are good dreamers. Their thinking is more creative in nature and well versed. They have the potential to transform their vision into mission.
Most young people are likely to be susceptible to what that could best be referred to as demotivation syndrome. Younger folks can easily be entangled with fear that can cripple their future. This is the reason behind the youth not being sometimes courageous enough to take on new things which will come up in life. Helping the youth to see failure as a springboard for change and success is important. Life is dynamic and constantly changing, and comes with its own unpredictability. So, motivation is needed to fuel the passion in the youth by bringing out varying dormant skills, talents and dreams in them, creating opportunities and knowledge of the path they should follow. But motivation can come in diversified forms. Small thinking can change the whole world. Don't wait for tommorow and start working from today. Obstacles will come and go as they are the part and parcel in life. Put God as your first preference then everything will be done in a systematic manner. life is passing through the road of success. In between there are certain blocks where one should know how to overcome them. Therefore, One should accept the challenges in life rather than giving up.